Whatever holiday you celebrate and however you celebrate it, at this time of year people tend to look back on the year that was and forward to the one that is coming. So this week’s episode of Tilton Talks Crypto by SmartFi with Aaron Tilton and Martin Tillier will do just that.
It will be aired live at 1PM Eastern US time this Thursday, December 22nd. There is no denying that the second half of the year has been challenging for the whole crypto and blockchain industries, but looking back, we realized that it has on the whole been a good year for SmartFi, with some exciting developments and improvements to the platform and growing recognition of what we do.
If you are looking forward to the challenges and opportunities that 2023 will bring, highlighting some “News You Can Use”, as well as answering some community questions might be beneficial. It will be, as usual, a lively and entertaining episode for anyone interested in crypto!